Idris vs Haskell

October 01, 2021

Idris vs Haskell

Welcome back, fellow programmers! Today, we're going to compare two functional programming languages that have become increasingly popular in recent years: Idris and Haskell. Both languages were designed with type theory in mind and are known for their strong type systems, but they also differ in some significant ways. Let's dive in and see how they stack up against each other.

Basic Features

First, let's compare the basic features of Idris and Haskell.


Haskell has a clean and concise syntax with a strong emphasis on functional programming paradigms. Idris, on the other hand, has a more complex syntax due to its support for dependent types and interactive theorem proving.

Type System

Both languages have strong and expressive type systems, but Idris takes it to the next level with its support for dependent types. This lets you define types that depend on other values, which can make your code more precise and easier to work with.


Both languages have mature tooling and libraries available, with Haskell having a bit of a head start. However, Idris is gaining momentum and has a growing community of developers contributing to its ecosystem.


When it comes to performance, Haskell has traditionally been known to be faster due to its lazy evaluation semantics. However, recent benchmarks show that Idris can hold its own, and its dependent type system can even help optimize your code in some cases.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Let's break down the strengths and weaknesses of each language.



  • Concise and elegant syntax
  • Mature and robust ecosystem
  • Lazy evaluation semantics can lead to better performance in some cases
  • Strong type system


  • Steep learning curve, especially for beginners
  • Can be harder to reason about due to lazy evaluation
  • Lack of dependent types



  • Support for dependent types, leading to more precise and safer code
  • Interactive theorem proving capabilities
  • Growing community and ecosystem


  • Complex syntax and type system
  • Less mature ecosystem compared to Haskell


In summary, both Idris and Haskell are excellent choices for functional programming, and the choice between them will often come down to your specific needs and preferences. Haskell is a more established language with a larger community and ecosystem, while Idris offers more advanced features like dependent types and interactive theorem proving.

We hope this comparison has been informative and has helped you make a more informed decision about which language to use. Happy coding!


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